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Hall of Fame

Class of 2024

CINCINNATI, Ohio -- The Deer Park Hall of Fame Committee has selected honorees for the Class of 2024. The Deer Park Hall of Fame inducted its first members in 1991, and features not only athletes, but also musicians, actors, philanthropists and scholars.

Inductees can be admitted under the category of Athlete, Staff Member/Administrator/ Coach, or Distinguished Alumnus/Alumnae. This year, the committee selected four new members of the Hall of Fame to represent the Class of 2023. They are:

  • Don Brandner (Class of 1971)
  • Doug Gilmore (Class of 1969)
  • Jimmy Madison (Class of 1965)
  • Scott Schweiger (Class of 1974)
  • Dennis Smith (Class of 1974)


Our Story

The Deer Park High School Hall of Fame was established under the authority of the Alumni Association and with the blessing of the Board of Education in order to both honor those who have dignified Deer Park with their own excellence and their contributions to their community, as well as celebrate those whose roots are in Deer Park.

Our Hall of Fame is unique in that it not only features prominent alumni of Deer Park, but also includes worthy members of the staff and administration that have contributed to Deer Park Schools over the course of its history. There is a great variety of accomplishments that have promoted people into the Hall of Fame. While this is not specifically an Athletic Hall of Fame, we have athletes here. We also have members who have had wonderful careers in many fields, as well as members whose student achievements were exemplary.  We have teachers, principals, coaches, superintendents, athletic directors...dancers, athletes, scolars musicians, actors...volunteers, leaders, followers, philanthropists. The only true requirement is that you honor Deer Park by serving our community, our nation, and our world. 

One recipient noted, "Lots of good things and good people have come from Deer Park. You can leave Deer Park, but Deer Park will never leave you." Every inductee has felt that special sense of pride that "the Park" has instilled in them.

The Hall of Fame Leadership Team convened in the Summer of 2019 in order to breathe renewed life into this honorable association. It is our heart, our privilege, and our challenge to honor and celebrate Deer Park's brightest "stars."

For more information about the Deer Park High School Hall of Fame email

Deer Park Hall of Fame Members


***Please deliver or mail submission to the Deer Park Board Office
8688 Donna Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Hall of Fame bricks for the Don Benhase Wildcat Walk are available for puchase. Bricks will be ordered and installed twice per year in March and August. The deadline to order bricks to be installed is the first day of the installation month (August 1/March 1). All orders received after the deadline will be pushed to the next installation.Fill out the form below or call Jake Snyder at 513-936-5935 for more information.